The Mask of ~*Adam*~

"After Paradise" is a blog no longer in existence and Adam has been transformed into another. But before he changed identities, he shared his mask with me and said:
"After Paradise," has provided me, the mask of Adam. I've been seaching, and now, I realise, that if I were to truly reveal the mask I wear, it would be a smile, hooked upon my face...hiding the little boy who was bullied. I use this smile, as a Mask, because it makes me comfortable, and others less uneasy about me.
I've been very reflective lately, and if I'm going to be leaving "After Paradise," I'd like to do so, fully & with the hope that my friends & family could see me, for once, not holding back my emotions, or suppressing myself...out of fear of being seen as "crazy" My mask, is tied to Nirvana, because that crooked smile, somewhat dazed, is how I'm feeling , lately. Looking around me, I see my family fighting over money, Wills, Trusts--who do I trust??--reality, pulls me towards Nirvana--another "Paradise"; wherein I can be myself, without fear; without ever looking back; without hiding.... There are so many songs....This is my Mask. If you cannot understand, I'm sorry. (Nirvana's "All Apologies")


2 Whispers:

Blogger Cain whispered...

Holy Crap!

~~That's me, alright!~~

Thanks, Lil Bit...

typeless, (remembering, recognition)

I love you!


2/21/2007 2:23 PM  
Blogger Lil Bit whispered...

Cain ~ *grinning*
Hope ya do a new one as "Cain" for me sometime. =)

2/22/2007 10:36 AM  

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