The Mask of ~*Barefoot Dreamer*~

Barefoot Dreamer says: "Hello. How are you?"
"Fabulous," says I with a beaming smile.

My smile lies.
Watch it carefully.
It will fool you.
It took years to construct it, to perfect the ploy.
My smile will knock you unsteady.
But the truth lies in my eyes.
Study them and you will know me.
For my smile lies.
It is my mask.


10 Whispers:

Blogger Mojo whispered...

Yes, the eyes tell all. No reconstructing those. I hope yours don't always look so ... what is that? frightened?

4/07/2010 3:45 PM  
Blogger Chapter Two whispered...

and sometimes.....

4/07/2010 4:38 PM  
Blogger Mojo whispered...


Sorry to hear about the sad and lonely though. I know the feeling. Too well.

4/07/2010 4:49 PM  
Blogger Chapter Two whispered...

sometimes... yes so much more that could go there right?

4/07/2010 6:53 PM  
Blogger Sailor whispered...

Sad and lonely sucks, sorry bout that part; but your last comment is also correct, so much that could go there...

4/07/2010 10:30 PM  
Blogger Concord Carpenter whispered...

Sad or not, you have beautiful eyes

4/08/2010 10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

awesome pic girl. Perfect perfect. Your mask is surely your smile, fake or not. The eyes always tell the tale though.


4/09/2010 10:32 AM  
Blogger Autumn whispered...

oh barefoot, i love this mask and the words that go with it! so very late seeing it, but had to take a peek. beautiful eyes that also tell a story of their own.

5/20/2010 9:24 PM  
Blogger Danielle whispered...

I am with Concord, even when sad, beautiful!

5/21/2010 9:34 AM  
Blogger nitebyrd whispered...

I can definitely relate to this mask.

5/21/2010 9:41 PM  

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