The Mask of ~*Autumn*~

Autumn sent me TWO masks and says:

Sight Unseen

How do you gage a person without looking into their eyes?
Is it the tilt of the head?
The upturned lips of a smile?
The set of the jaw?
Or is it the mystery of sight unseen that carries the greatest appeal?


4 Whispers:

Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

Oooooh awesome!!! Looking good Autumn!

5/19/2010 5:11 PM  
Blogger Sailor whispered...

Very very nice, love the concept, and as SS says, Looking good!

5/19/2010 5:53 PM  
Blogger Mojo whispered...

Could be what's written on the masks. Just sayin' ;-)

But I think probably it's what you leave to the imagination that does it.

5/19/2010 5:56 PM  
Blogger nitebyrd whispered...

Excellent masks, girl!

5/21/2010 9:39 PM  

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