The Mask of ~*dangergirl*~

dangergirl says: "The similar mask in the background begs the question 'Is it identical or similar?' That is how I tend to view people – look for the similarities and also the differences which may be subtle. Not everything is black and white (contrary to my family’s opinion) and I tend to live in the gray area which is messier but infinitely more interesting. Regardless, I don’t have the luxury of living in a black/white world anymore.

The exquisite and delicate gold layers (not sure of the exact 'art' word) in beautiful geometric patterns brings a sense of consistency while the underlying musical notes brings a more creative and free-flowing vibe (go figure – I couldn’t think of a better word). The 'ordered' patterns definitely overshadow the 'free-flowing' ones.

This mask eloquently captures the mask I hide behind. You have to get close to see the details and it isn’t as simple as it appears at first glance….nope, not simple at all."


2 Whispers:

Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

very good.
cool chick too, I like DG.

6/08/2008 4:12 PM  
Blogger The Guess Who # 2 whispered...

I like what you say about the "grey."

This is a beautiful mask!


6/09/2008 1:02 AM  

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