The Mask of ~*Felicity*~

I can no longer find Felicity's typepad, so I guess she's gone. =(
Back in Nov '06, she made a mask post for me and said:
Of course, being the literal person I am, and the person who overthinks everything... that's why I like endorphins and alcohol, the two things that shut off my Monkey Mind...

And then the wonderful flattering comment from my girl Mari... wherein she said, and I quote, "'s like peeling back layers to a raw and true self..."
What more could a girl ak for?? I've noticed that a lot of my own problems stem from dishonesty, during the times when I am not being truly myself. Well aware, too, that the huge enormous massive destruction that my family of origin became was due to lies, deceit, and non-truth telling. And that came from generational ripples and spread to new generations.

What I'm saying here, is, I try very hard not to wear any masks.

But! If I were to dress up as someone say for a party I'd want to honor my Mermaid personna. Do any of you recall my mermaid fetish, collection, etc.? I especially like this one, that I found here, because I like things elaborate. If I'm going to dress up, or down, I want to go all out.

Barring that, I think some accurate outfits/masks/descriptions for me include the Tarot Fool...because I'm naive and youthful...

Or the Tarot "Death" or "Hanged Man" card, as it signifies change and is also linked to my astrological assignation of Scorpio...

and lastly, I also feel a kinship with Rhiannon, the Welsh Goddess who has an interesting story that I encourage you to discover for yourself.

And Loki, because I'm not bound by gender rules...the Norse God of Mischief! If that's not me, I don't know who is.
And Zelos...see my banner...LOL...
Crap, Lil Bit's going to have to throw another party just so I can wear all my costumes!
Nah, really, I'll do the Mermaid.

(all images lovingly & respectfully borrowed from Google image searches)


1 Whispers:

Anonymous Anonymous whispered...

Hey L'il Bit, how are ya? How weird, I was doing a GIS for mermaids and found this post & this site! If you get this message, you can email me at manchmom at the y...we can reconnect! Love ya! (it's me, Felic!)

10/04/2008 6:58 PM  

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